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2022 Scholarship Program Award Recipients

The Community Foundation of the Fox River Valley is pleased to announce the award recipients of the 2022 Community Foundation Scholarship Program.

Scholarships totaling nearly $2 million for use during the next four years were recently awarded to 409 area students.

The Community Foundation Scholarship Program consists of almost 200 separate scholarship funds created by generous individuals, businesses, and organizations who establish specific criteria for the administration of their scholarships. Applications are reviewed by a volunteer Scholarship Committee comprised of community members.

Acevedo, Isela Frank & Marian Newell Scholarship
Acevedo, Mariella Towers Family Scholarship
Ackerman, Ashley Arthur & Daphne Heinz Memorial Scholarship
Adams, Hailey Eric P. Whitaker Scholarship
Adeoye, Hammed Aurora East Educational Foundation Excellence Scholarship
Aggarwal, Mayank Swami Vivekananda Scholarship
Aguirre, Jocelyn Aurora East Educational Foundation Excellence Scholarship
Alvarado, Tamara CWS Scholarship
Alvarado, Jordan H. Marshall Glenn Scholarship
Alvarez, Lorena Armbruster-Dieterich-Wagner Family Scholarship
Alwan, Yosor Constance K. & Allen J. Kent Scholarship
Anderson, Shaynah David B. Perry Scholarship
Antonio, Ulises Aurora East Educational Foundation Excellence Scholarship
Anzalone, Dominic Albert M. Zari Scholarship
Anzalone, Maria Lorraine B. Bryant Memorial Scholarship
Aponte, Jaileen Simons-Minkler Scholarship
Arceo, Daniel Daniel C. Deufel Vocational Scholarship
Arrambide, Kaitlyn Howard E. Charles, Jr. Scholarship
Arroyo, Tonatiuh H. Marshall Glenn Scholarship
Atkins, Sydney Neal & Margery Ray Ormond Memorial Scholarship
Austin, Alyssa Albert M. Zari Scholarship
Avalos Angel, Alejandro Aurora East Educational Foundation Excellence Scholarship
Aviles, Isabel John & Julia Onete Scholarship
Azem, Marceline Erin K. Harrison Memorial Scholarship
Bacarella, Gracin John W. McDougal M.A.C. Scholarship
Baggio, Andrew Albert M. Zari Scholarship
Bajlozi, Gloria Edward & Gladys (Stoddard) Arenkill Nursing & Medical Education Scholarship
Balaji, Shreya United Punjabis of America  Excellence in Community Service Scholarship
Barker, Jonathan Aurora Veterans Advisory Council Community Scholarship
Barnes, Robert Albert M. Zari Scholarship
Barresi, Grace Howard E. Charles, Jr. Scholarship
Basnet, Bhagi Hamling Family Nursing Scholarship
Bayless, Brooke Howard E. Charles, Jr. Scholarship
Bello Delgado, Daniela Aurora East Educational Foundation Excellence Scholarship
Bellock, Leah Howard E. Charles, Jr. Scholarship
Benard, Dalayshia Community Foundation Scholarship
Beyer, Jaimee Mary Hogan Bencini Memorial Scholarship
Biedak, Michael Howard E. Charles, Jr. Scholarship
Blankenship, Emma Howard E. Charles, Jr. Scholarship
Boone, Kyle Jack & Naomi Hastert Memorial Scholarship
Braun, Kristina Helen Schlicht McGeachy & Arthur C. Schlicht Scholarship
Breiten, Corey Kayla’s Hope Foundation Scholarship
Brizzolara, Will Community Foundation Alumni Scholarship
Burke, Lindsey Albert M. Zari Scholarship
Burke, Claire Sam Shelton Scholarship
Buss, Jenna Mary Virginia Hughes Scholarship
Butler, Quinn Ruth H. & B. R. Skaggs Scholarship
Camp, Emma Dr. J. William & Arline Hoban Family Scholarship
Campbell-Creech, Hailey Shelley Scott Memorial Scholarship
Campolargo, Juliana Aurora Hispanic Heritage Advisory Board Scholarship
Campos, Jorge J. Paul & Wanda H. Kuhn Scholarship
Capasso, Ava Albert M. Zari Scholarship
Cardenas, Daisy Theodore Silseth Nelson Scholarship
Cardona, Marisol Aurora Hispanic Heritage Advisory Board Scholarship
Carrillo, Daniela Barbara K. Engelbracht Scholarship
Casey, Kathyrn Albert M. Zari Scholarship
Castellanos, Destiny Daniel W. Schindlebeck Memorial Scholarship
Celaya, Lizbeth Aurora Hispanic Heritage  Advisory Board Scholarship
Chacon, Daniel Eagle Scout Scholarship
Chavez, Xarely Aurora East Educational Foundation Excellence Scholarship
Chi, Joshua Shirley M. Hurd Education Scholarship
Chitwood, Katie Ben Horonzy Memorial Scholarship
Chivari, Meri Howard E. Charles, Jr. Scholarship
Cho, Seo Yeon John L. Alice M. Holden Education Scholarship
Churchill, Margaret Helen Schlicht McGeachy & Arthur C. Schlicht Scholarship
Cole, Lauren Dan & Tracy Stellato Family Scholarship
Colobong, Davin Arielle Jack Desha Witt Education Scholarship
Cooper, Lillian Aurora Veterans Advisory Council Community Scholarship
Corral, Yatziry Aurora East Educational Foundation Excellence Scholarship
Cosgrave, Cassidy Moshe Jamil Rogers Memorial Scholarship
Countryman, Alexis Community Foundation Alumni Scholarship
Crooks, Savannah Richard and Susan Schindel Undergraduate Education Scholarship
Cross, Carter Albert M. Zari Scholarship
Cruz, Alexis Aurora East Educational Foundation Excellence Scholarship
Cruz, Benjamin Erlenborn Family Scholarship
Cruz, Mikaela G. William & Freda S. Moore Scholarship
Czerak, Jeffrey Aurora Veterans Advisory Council Community Scholarship
DeBaerdemeacker, Morgan Robert H. & Shirley N. Waldo Scholarship
DeChaud, Sophia Howard E. Gillette Scholarship
Delgado, Amy Albert M. Zari Scholarship
Delgado, Leonardo Aurora East Educational Foundation Excellence Scholarship
Delgado, Lucy Coronado Dental Scholarship
DePaul, Abigail Daryl Thompson Memorial Scholarship
Devries, Anna Howard E. Charles, Jr. Scholarship
Diaz, Krystal Aurora Hispanic Heritage  Advisory Board Scholarship
Diaz, Janessa CWS Scholarship
Dilorio, Graziella Howard E. Charles, Jr. Scholarship
Dilorio, Shannon John A. Brennecke Scholarship
Dodson, Katelyn West Aurora High School Alumni Scholarship
Dominquez, Payton Albert M. Zari Scholarship
Dowell, Jackson Zonta Club of Aurora Scholarship
Drew, Haley Loraine Heriaud Memorial Scholarship
Duncan, Margaret Aurora Area Retired Teachers’ Association Scholarship
Duncan, Joshua Community Foundation Alumni Scholarship
Duncan, Haley Francis A. Geib Memorial Scholarship
Dunn, Katharine Steven John Duranceau Memorial Scholarship
Durso, Hailey Albert M. Zari Scholarship
Ellis, Gideon Konrad Family Scholarship
Enberg, Sophie Howard E. Charles, Jr. Scholarship
Escareno, Melina Aurora Hispanic Heritage  Advisory Board Scholarship
Escobedo, Mary Aurora Hispanic Heritage  Advisory Board Scholarship
Eshtrefi, Emri Genevieve & Dale T. Berg Scholarship
Espinosa, Cecilia Community Foundation Alumni Scholarship
Esquivel, Mario SGM Gissel Flannigan Rifles Drill Team
Estrada, Kimberly Albert M. Zari Scholarship
Ethan, Reattior Aurora Firefighters Scholarship Endowment Fund in Memory of Tony Schoen
Fallon, Jonah Rotary Club of Aurora Scholarship
Fapp, Andrew Willett/Peffers Families Scholarship
Farooq, Zahaib Albert M. Zari Scholarship
Fatima, Sofiya Albert M. Zari Scholarship
Feliciano , Kyle Brennan Walter A. Sperry Scholarship
Fields, N’dya Walter E. Deuchler Scholarship
Fifer, Julia Community Foundation Alumni Scholarship
Fischer, Payton Hearts for Hanah Scholarship
Foreman, Matthew Albert M. Zari Scholarship
Foster, Jamica James & Clarice Toynton Scholarship
Foulis, Lindsay Aurora Veterans Advisory Council Community Scholarship
Fowler, Karalyn Dugan Family Scholarship
Fronk, Liam Community Foundation Alumni Scholarship
Fuentes, Diane Jack Desha Witt Education Scholarship
Gabriel, Steffy Aurora Hispanic Heritage  Advisory Board Scholarship
Gabriel, Ashley Aurora Hispanic Heritage  Advisory Board Scholarship
Gaerlan, Anaston Community Foundation Scholarship
Galindo, Brian Aurora East Educational Foundation Excellence Scholarship
Gallagher, Catherine Mr. & Mrs. William P. Hilgen Scholarship
Gallegos, Diana Aurora Hispanic Heritage  Advisory Board Scholarship
Garcia, Jessica Aurora East Educational Foundation Excellence Scholarship
Garcia, Edgard Howard & Sherry Eagle Scholarship
Garcia, Jennifer Robert G. Schweitzer Scholarship
Garg, Divij Swami Vivekananda Scholarship
Garibay-Deasy, Maximilian Charles & Josiedell Carnes Scholarship
Garza, Jocelyn Aurora East Educational Foundation Excellence Scholarship
Gauss, Isabel Erwin & Ella Hoffman Scholarship
George, Swapna Thorium Action Group/Kerr-McGee Chemical Corporation Scholarship
Geronimo, Jethro Inigo Robert H. & Shirley N. Waldo Scholarship
Gerrick, Kaitlyn Community Foundation Scholarship
Glenn, Ava Richard J. & Marilyn J. Michelini Scholarship
Gomez, Evelyn Howard E. Gillette Scholarship
Gonzalez, Filiberto James H. & Ione P. Fitzgerald Scholarship
Gonzalez, Jose Aurora Hispanic Heritage Heritage Advisory Board Scholarship
Gonzalez, Sarai Charles G. & Mary K. Whinfrey Scholarship
Gonzalez, Anthony Howard & Sherry Eagle Scholarship
Gonzalez, Verenice Jerry Hart Memorial Scholarship
Gonzalez, Joselyn Orville Peterson Health Care Scholarship
Gonzalez, Keyly Roots/Pauly Memorial Scholarship
Gonzalez, Havin Roy E. Davis Scholarship
Gonzalez, Diana Shirley M. Hurd Education Scholarship
Gonzalez, Johanna Simons-Minkler Scholarship
Gonzalez Guzman, Maria Aurora East Educational Foundation Excellence Scholarship
Gooch, Susannah Community Foundation Scholarship
Graham, William Kayla’s Hope Foundation Scholarship
Greenwood, Madolyn Myron L. & Frances B. Wormley Scholarship
Griffins, Zoe George & Elaine Hettrich Nursing Scholarship
Groble, Fiona Aurora Veterans Advisory Council Community Scholarship
Gruman, Molly Lydia B. Raymond Scholarship
Guerrero, Eddie Aurora East Education Foundation Education Scholarship
Guillen Enriquez, Sarai Aurora Hispanic Heritage  Advisory Board Scholarship
Gulbro, Josiah Albert M. Zari Scholarship
Gunnink, Megan Howard E. Charles, Jr. Scholarship
Gutierrez, Natalie Aurora East Educational Foundation Excellence Scholarship
Guyett, Audrey Howard E. Charles, Jr. Scholarship
Guzman Favela, Diego Arthur D. & Mary Ann Court Memorial Scholarship
Hardesty, Cayla Alicemae Brown Memorial Scholarship
Hardy, Jacqueline Howard E. Charles, Jr. Scholarship
Hauge, Ellie Senator Robert W. & Helen Drew Mitchler Scholarship
Hayes, Andrea Howard E. Charles, Jr. Scholarship
Heckle, Alexandra Austin & Melissa Dempsey Family Scholarship
Heetland, Ashley Alexander Family Scholarship
Helm, Isabella Fox Valley Earth Day Scholarship
Henry, Kenturah Theodore Silseth Nelson Scholarship
Hernandez, Olivia Armando Mendez Memorial Scholarship
Herrera, Lesli Aurora Neighbors Uniting Scholarship
Hickey, Sean Aurora Veterans Advisory Council Community Scholarship
Hickey, Sophia Howard E. Charles, Jr. Scholarship
Huang, Kaiwen Albert M. Zari Scholarship
Hudock, Delani Howard E. Charles, Jr. Scholarship
Hughes, Tatiana G. William & Freda S. Moore Scholarship
Ikonomi, Eliza Eleanor C. Hungar Scholarship
Imbery, Emily Eric P. Whitaker Scholarship
Ingram, Ian Theodore Silseth Nelson Scholarship
Issacson, Emily Dr. & Mrs. C.L. Gardner Memorial Scholarship
Jedziniak, Sophia Albert M. Zari Scholarship
Jimenez, Alex Lance Corporal Hector Ramos Memorial Scholarship
Jimenez, Diana Urban & Margaret Hipp Scholarship
Jochum, Sarah Michael David McGrath Scholarship
Johnson, Joel Shannon & Patrick Webb Scholarship
Jones, Cecilia George & Cora Webster Scholarship
Juarez , Brenda Margaret Mercer Stewart Scholarship
Justice, Emiliano Robert L. & Joyce A. Golz Scholarship
Kallman, Karen The Aurora Kiwanis Club/G. William “Bill” Moore Scholarship
Kaminski, Meghan Robert H. & Shirley N. Waldo Scholarship
Kamwaka, Shinah Alexander Family Scholarship
Kavanaugh, Mackenzie Library Education Scholarship
Kenealy, Emmeline Erwin & Ella Hoffman Scholarship
Kerns, Sadie Sandy Erxleben Memorial Scholarship
Khamsi, Hadi Thorium Action Group/Kerr-McGee Chemical Corporation Scholarship
King, Carlin Winteringham Family Scholarship
Kizman, Mia Kayla’s Hope Foundation Scholarship
Kleivo, Madison Albert M. Zari Scholarship
Klis, John Robert “Bob” Schick Memorial Scholarship
Kmiecik, Brian Howard E. Charles, Jr. Scholarship
Krol , Brady Albert M. Zari Scholarship
Krueger, Alyssa Austin & Melissa Dempsey Family Scholarship
Krull, Jenna Roosevelt-Aurora American Legion Post 84 Scholarship
Kuceba, Anthony Aurora Veterans Advisory Council Community Scholarship
Kuhn, Elizabeth Zonta Club of Aurora Scholarship
Kurtz, Bryn Robert “Bob” Schick Memorial Scholarship
Kuta, Carli John V. Winkle Foundation Scholarship
Lam, Kyle Olsson Roofing Company, Inc. Scholarship
Lambert, Narita Erwin & Ella Hoffman Scholarship
Lane, Alauren Aurora Veterans Advisory Council Community Scholarship
Langdon, Holly Philip B. Elfstorm
Latka, Abigail David B. Perry Scholarship
Lawless, Emma Zonta Club of Aurora Scholarship
Lay, Kaitlyn Simons-Minkler Scholarship
Leatherman, Skylar Albert M. Zari Scholarship
Lebo, Lily Thorium Action Group/Kerr-McGee Chemical Corporation Scholarship
Lebowa, Gabriel Albert W. Medernach Scholarship
Lehman, Nathan Kristoffer Larsen BIG HEART Scholarship
Leidig, William Howard E. Charles, Jr. Scholarship
Leon, Jayni G. William & Mary D. Richards Scholarship
Lewis , Kayleigh Howard E. Charles, Jr. Scholarship
Lin, Steve Shirley M. Hurd Education Scholarship
Lins, Isabella Robert L. & Majory J. Nelson Scholarship
Lishamer, Elizabeth Peg Bond Scholarship
Liu, Sean Community Foundation Scholarship
Llyod, Emily Aurora Township Youth Foundation Scholarship
Longo, Julianna Frances Albert M. Zari Scholarship
Longo, Juilianna Marie West Aurora High School Class of 1950 Scholarship
Lopez, Cristian Coffman Diesel/Automotive Scholarship
Lowery, Cheyanne Danny McCue Memorial/Aurora Firefighters Scholarship
Lutzenkirchen, Gabriella Zonta Club of Aurora Scholarship
Madera, Christian Aurora East Educational Foundation Excellence Scholarship
Magana, Isabel Aurora Hispanic Heritage  Advisory Board Scholarship
Magana, Gonzalo John W. Bauer Memorial Athletic Scholarship
Mahesh, Shreya Shirley M. Hurd Education Scholarship
Malagon-Bravo, Christian Aurora East Educational Foundation Excellence Scholarship
Malay, Maya J. Paul & Wanda H. Kuhn Scholarship
Martell Favela, Michel Alexander Family Scholarship
Martinez, Itzel Thorium Action Group/Kerr-McGee Chemical Corporation Scholarship
Mastrangeli, Kayla Howard E. Charles, Jr. Scholarship
Matson, Delaney The Aurora Kiwanis Club/William J. Downs
Maxwell, Sydney Howard E. Charles, Jr. Scholarship
Mayer, Eva Kim Schaubel-Groom Scholarship
McCormick, Connor Danny McCue Memorial/Aurora Firefighters Scholarship
McCormick, Megan Louis Vago Scholarship
McCormick, Madison Walter M. Pennington London Poe Scholarship
McGreevy, Samantha Albert M. Zari Scholarship
McGuire, Nicolle Howard E. Charles, Jr. Scholarship
Meadows, Ethan Nicholas R. Albers Memorial Scholarship
Melton, Alexa Albert M. Zari Scholarship
Meraz , Gabriel Shirley M. Hurd Education Scholarship
Merril, Teague Charles & Josiedell Carnes Scholarship
Meyer, Erik Albert M. Zari Scholarship
Meza, Jocelyn Marvin F. & Geraldine E. Pilmer Scholarship
Miara, Brooke Italian-American Mutual Aid Society of Aurora, Illinois Scholarship
Michel, Leslee Irene & Marie Oberweis Nursing Scholarship
Miller, Anna Howard E. Charles, Jr. Scholarship
Millette , Brigid Howard E. Charles, Jr. Scholarship
Mindock, Lacey Dickes Family Scholarship
Miranda-Gonzalez, Ireri Aurora East Educational Foundation Excellence Scholarship
Mont, Riley West Aurora High School Class of 1956 Scholarship
Montalbano, Alexandria John A. Brennecke Scholarship
Morales, Abdiel Aurora East Education Foundation Education Scholarship
Morales, Mariano Charlotte T. Reid Memorial Scholarship
Morales-Rivera, Leslie Aurora Kiwanis Club/ Dr. Harry Y. Greeley Medical/Healthcare Scholarship
Morroy, Lizbeth Richard H. Rokop, Sr. Memorial Scholarship
Mruk, Nicole Thorium Action Group/Kerr-McGee Chemical Corporation Scholarship
Murtic, Veldin Aurora East Educational Foundation Excellence Scholarship
Musillami, Rachel Howard E. Charles, Jr. Scholarship
Myers, Nikhil Thorium Action Group/Kerr-McGee Chemical Corporation Scholarship
Nena, Zachary Community Foundation Scholarship
Nevarez, Lizeth Christine A. Ponquinette Memorial/INC Board Minority Student Scholarship
Neville, Lillian Howard E. Charles, Jr. Scholarship
Nickel, Jennifer Howard E. Charles, Jr. Scholarship
Nickel, Korey Mary R. Chapman Scholarship
Nies, Emily Luis Vago Scholarship
Noe, Zackary Louis R. Forte Music Scholarship
Nord, Kenna Irene & Marie Oberweis Nursing Scholarship
Novoa, Mariana Jerry J. Murphy MSW Scholarship
O Brien, Katharine Mildred E. Shambo Scholarship
Obrien, Sierra Aurora Firefighters Scholarship in Memory of Tony Schoen
Ochoa Garcia, Jesus Aurora Hispanic Heritage Heritage Advisory Board Scholarship
Ocon, Isaias Trembacki & Hultgren Families Scholarship
Olivo, Annabel Gary A. & Mary Ruth Roberts Scholarship
Ollie, Allison Albert M. Zari Scholarship
Olson, Kelsey Richard James & William Alfred Wulff Scholarship
Orloff, William Cameron Pepera Memorial Scholarship
Ortega, Ian Nicholas Jack Desha Witt Education Scholarship
Osei-Kofi, Alexis Erwin & Ella Hoffman Scholarship
Ostapa, Makayla W. Charlie Hooper & Shirley Linder Hooper Scholarship
Papez, Cali Howard E. Charles, Jr. Scholarship
Patel, Ishani Howard E. Charles, Jr. Scholarship
Patel, Deesha Howard E. Charles, Jr. Scholarship
Patel, Bansari Howard E. Charles, Jr. Scholarship
Patel, Jiya Howard E. Charles, Jr. Scholarship
Perea, Grace Albert M. Zari Scholarship
Perez, Katharine Simons-Minkler Scholarship
Perez-Andrade, Viridiana Doebert Family Scholarship
Peshia, Jocelyn Community Foundation Alumni Scholarship
Peters, Alexander George & Elaine Hettrich Scholarship
Peters, Maxwell Moshe Jamil Rogers Memorial Scholarship
Pickett-Pinez, Tajuan Albert M. Zari Scholarship
Ponce, Viviana Jack Desha Witt Education Scholarship
Possin, Mia Howard E. Charles, Jr. Scholarship
Pratt, Dylan Dustin Villarreal Family Scholarship
Price, Rachel Albert M. Zari Scholarship
Puttin, Leah Eleanor C. Hungar Scholarship
Quanstrom, Holly Simons-Minkler Scholarship
Rachmadiyanto, Erin John V. Winkle Foundation Scholarship
Ramirez, Evelyn Jack Desha Witt Education Scholarship
Ramirez, Michael Ralph & Alice Kramp Scholarship
Ramirez-Espinoza, Maria Albert M. Zari Scholarship
Ramos, Anthony Richard E. & Ann R. McWethy Scholarship
Ramos , Uriel H. Marshall Glenn Scholarship
Rangel , Valeria Robert G. Schweitzer Scholarship
Rapinac, Katherine Frank & Marian Newell Scholarship
Regas, Kylie G. Kenneth & Dorothy L. Perkins Scholarship
Renteria, Paulina Helen Schlicht McGeachy & Arthur C. Schlicht Scholarship
Rico, Sebastian Constance K. & Allen J. Kent Scholarship
Riggs, Ava Marilyn A. & William J. Foote Scholarship
Rios, Anna Albert M. Zari Scholarship
Rivera, Gabriela Drs. Sara & Daniel Susmano Scholarship Fund
Rivera, Magdaliz Goldsmith Family Scholarship
Rivera, Jacqueline Wesley F. Fisher Memorial Scholarship
Robbins, Rocco Aurora Hispanic Heritage Heritage Advisory Board Scholarship
Robertson, Jackson J. Robert & Marion E. Winn Scholarship
Rodriguez, Karla Aurora Hispanic Heritage  Advisory Board Scholarship
Rodriguez, Danielle Aurora Hispanic Heritage  Advisory Board Scholarship
Rosario, Ruth Aurora Hispanic Heritage Advisory Board Scholarship
Rosati, Grace Carl E. Swanson & Clara M. Swanson & Family Scholarship
Runge, Johnathan Donald E. & Annabelle Keefe Nelson Scholarship
Rush, Keyriah Constance K. & Allen J. Kent Scholarship
Saenz, Kassandra Albert M. Zari Scholarship
Salas, Osvaldo Albert M. Zari Scholarship
Sambucetti, Maximus Aurora Hispanic Heritage Heritage Advisory Board Scholarship
Sanchez, Anayeli Aurora Hispanic Heritage  Advisory Board Scholarship
Sanchez, Natalie John V. Winkle Foundation Scholarship
Saucedo, Liliana Thomas P. Sperry Memorial Scholarship
Schuler, Hannah Howard E. Charles, Jr. Scholarship
Shimizu, Luke Hollis Family Scholarship
Shukla, Trisha Swami Vivekananda Scholarship
Sieck, Brooke Howard E. Charles, Jr. Scholarship
Sima, Samantha Albert M. Zari Scholarship
Simmons, Owen Colonel Sidney Ginsberg Scholarship
Simmons, Andrew John “Jack” Harkness Memorial Scholarship
Sims, Maggie Aurora Veterans Advisory Council Community Scholarship
Skogen, Michael Fox Industrial Park Scholarship
Sledz, Charles Arch J. Dewey Memorial Scholarship
Snyder, Kellie Community Foundation Scholarship
Solgos, Sitota Louise G. & Margaret E. Lane Scholarship
Soloman, Chloe Howard E. Charles, Jr. Scholarship
Sommer, John Cameron Pepera Memorial Scholarship
Sosa, Brianna Aurora East Educational Foundation Excellence Scholarship
Spaniol, Alena Howard E. Charles, Jr. Scholarship
Sporny, Megan Lee W. & Rosemary A. Jordan Scholarship
Stade, Nathan Emily R. Frantz Scholarship for Public School
Stefanac, Megan Jack Desha Witt Education Scholarship
Stevens, Hunter Fred & Barb Miller Scholarship
Stoica, Alexandra Aurora Township Youth Foundation Scholarship
Suarez, Giselle Aurora East Educational Foundation Excellence Scholarship
Suchil, Michelle Louis Vago Scholarship
Sutarik, Mary Simons-Minkler Scholarship
Terrazas, Alan H. Marshall Glenn Scholarship
Thavong, Tyler Albert M. Zari Scholarship
Thayer, Elizabeth Eleanor C. Hungar Scholarship
Thomas, Shelby Howard E. Charles, Jr. Scholarship
Timko, Emma Albert M. Zari Scholarship
Timko, Kristen Albert M. Zari Scholarship
Tippett, Julia Aurora Rotary/ John M. Lies Service Above Self Scholarship
Tiv, Jessica Dr. William H. Blackburn Memorial Scholarship
Tiwari, Sanjita Margaret Mercer Stewart Scholarship
Torres, Saul Olsson Roofing Company, Inc. Scholarship
Torres, Julia Shelley Scott Memorial Scholarship
Tovar, Flora Edward & Genevieve Jungles Scholarship
Tripathi, Jennifer Richard and Susan Schindel Scholarship
Tuohy, Danica Free Family Scholarship
Turner, Emily Howard E. Charles, Jr. Scholarship
Upham, Kyle Thorium Action Group/Kerr-McGee Chemical Corporation Scholarship
Vagnoni, Abigail Aurora Veterans Advisory Council Community Scholarship
Vazquez, Brandon Aurora East Education Foundation Education Scholarship
Vazquez, Sergio Warren J. & Shirley J. Eggers Scholarship
Vega, Jonathan John & Joan Matthews Memorial Scholarship
Verdecchia, Leo Jeff & Jaime Cali Scholarship
Villanueva, Danielle Howard E. Charles, Jr. Scholarship
Vitkus, Emily Howard E. Charles, Jr. Scholarship
Vo, Jonathan Danny McCue Memorial/Aurora Firefighters Scholarship
Voris, Mary Walter E. Deuchler Scholarship
Wagy, Gabriella Aurora Hispanic Heritage  Advisory Board Scholarship
Waitekus, Abigail Moshe Jamil Rogers Memorial Scholarship
Wallace, Tessa Aurora Veterans Advisory Council Community Scholarship
Wheeler, Alexandria Shannon & Patrick Webb Scholarship
White, Emily Albert M. Zari Scholarship
Whitlock, Emma Dr. Bernard J. Cigrand Memorial Scholarship
Wilkins, Mackenzie Richard E. & Ann R. McWethy Scholarship
Willard, Meagan Howard E. Charles, Jr. Scholarship
Williams, Sterling Aurora East Educational Foundation Excellence Scholarship
Williams, Megan Brian Farnham Memorial Scholarship
Winn, Connor Albert M. Zari Scholarship
Wise , Alicia Theodore Silseth Nelson Scholarship
Wittenberg, Jackson Community Foundation Scholarship
Woods, Cecelia Albert M. Zari Scholarship
Wu, Raymond G. William & Freda S. Moore Scholarship
Ybarra, Tia Solimar Scholarship
Yetter, Sean Howard E. Charles, Jr. Scholarship
Yore, Keeley Daryl Thompson Memorial Scholarship
Zagorski, Natalie Barbara Burgin & Edwin & Carol Ehrhart Scholarship
Zinken, Ella Zonta Club of Aurora Scholarship
Zyrek, Morgan Kayla’s Hope Foundation Scholarship

A community foundation is a donor-driven organization that helps donors custom-design funds that reflect their charitable interests. Through the years, grants from these funds have made a significant impact on our local communities.

Sharon Stredde

President Emeritus

We chose the Community Foundation because of its reputation. It’s well known, established and we can trust them to do the job for us.

Dick Schindel

Richard and Susan Schindel Scholarship Funds

As a first-generation college student from a low-income family, I was worried about how I was going to pay for books and supplies. This scholarship will allow me to focus more on my studies instead of worrying about how to afford college. I am working to not only create opportunities for myself but to motivate future generations. Thank you so much for helping me along this journey!

Moises J.

Claude & Alice Allen Memorial Scholarship Recipient

…you can always start small, even $25 can make a difference. Remember we can’t take our money with us. Even if it’s just your gift of time. Volunteer and get involved.

Cris Anderson

Cristina & Thomas S. Anderson Endowment Fund | Tom & Cris Anderson Colonial Advisory Fund

Thank you very much for supporting my college education for these four years. I will never be able to repay you for the opportunity that this scholarship has given to me.

Julia H.

[Renewing Scholarship Recipient] Graduate of Hinkley-Big Rock High School

There’s no question in my mind that the scholarship I received opened up possibilities.

Marianne Renner

Past Scholarship Recipient & Current Leadership Coach

Community Foundation of the Fox River Valley

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