Friend of the Foundation and former board of directors member William "Bill" C. Glenn passed away on August 20, 2021. To make a memorial contribution, click "In Memoriam" above. Read more…
Tributes & Memorials - Page 4 of 15
In Memoriam: Diane Crawshaw
Diane Crawshaw passed away on July 11, 2021. To make a memorial contribution, click "In Memoriam" above. Read more…
In Memoriam: Heather M. Howiler
The Heather Howiler Memorial Fund was created by her family to honor her lifelong commitment and dedication to teaching with the intention of providing educational opportunities to future students. To make a memorial contribution, click "In Memoriam" above. Read more…
In Honor Of The Aurora Police
Via the Aurora Police Department Facebook: We have been contacted by numerous groups and individuals wishing to donate to the officer who was brutally attacked on Monday, June 20th. We appreciate the outpouring of support. If you wish to make a donation, please make them to the Aurora Police Foundation fund via the Community Foundation of the Fox River Valley. To make a tribute contribution, click "In Honor Of The Aurora Police" above. Read more…
In Memoriam: John Avery Granger
John Avery Granger, beloved son of Maureen and Robert Granger, died May 21, 2021. To make a memorial contribution, click "In Memoriam" above. Read more…
In Memoriam: Margaret L. McGinness
Margaret L. McGinness, 94, formerly of Harvey, IL and Homewood, IL, passed away Thursday, May 20. 2021. To make a memorial contribution, click "In Memoriam" above. Read more…
In Memoriam: Patricia Ring
Patricia Ring passed away on January 6, 2021. To make a memorial contribution to the Patricia Ring Memorial Fund, click "In Memoriam" above. Read more…
In Memoriam: Betty Arlene Howe
Betty Arlene Howe passed away on February 13, 2021. To make a memorial contribution to the Cameron Pepera Memorial Foundation, click "In Memoriam" above. Read more…
In Memoriam: Darryl A. Harrison, Jr.
Darryl A. Harrison, Jr. passed away on February 7, 2021. To make a memorial contribution, click "In Memoriam" above. Read more…
In Memoriam: Marilyn M. Kifowit
Marilyn Kifowit passed away on February 1, 2021. To make a memorial contribution to the Aurora East Educational Foundation Endowment Fund, click "In Memoriam" above. Read more…