Thank you to all of those who have completed applications for this grantmaking program. We are not currently accepting applications for review at this time. We will continue to evaluate needs that arise as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Fox Valley Grantmakers COVID-19 Response Fund shall respond to the needs of nonprofits that are in direct response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Due to the unknown timeline and implications of COVID-19, and needs that may arise over time within nonprofits, requests will be reviewed on a rolling basis.
View/Download Guidelines and Applications Procedures PDF
Guidelines for COVID-19 Grants
- Grants shall be made to non-profit agencies located within the Fox Valley region, which includes the Greater Aurora Area, the TriCities, and Kendall County in the State of Illinois. Consideration is also given to non-profit agencies outside of the service area that can show significant impact on residents within the service area. Grants shall be made for operating, program, and capital needs that are in demand because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Educational institutions, educational foundations, and private schools are not eligible to apply at this time.
- Applicants shall submit evidence of 501(c)(3) tax status.
- Grants shall be one-time awards.
- Preference shall be given to requests that are meeting basic human needs of residents in the community, including but not limited to food, shelter, health, mental health, and safety as well as technology needs of agencies who are serving clients while being sheltered in place.
- Agencies are encouraged to maximize these dollars through matching grants with other donors.
Grants from the Fox Valley Grantmakers COVID-19 Response Fund shall not be used for the following:
- To fund endowments, contingency funds, reserves, interest, or taxes.
- For sectarian or religious purposes or for organizations operated primarily for the benefit of their own membership.
- For the payment of individuals, private foundations, political organizations, or campaigns.
- To purchase benefit tickets, respond to telephone solicitations, or national fund-raising efforts.
- For any purpose that discriminates as to race, creed, sex, or ethnic group.