As the local impact of the pandemic was becoming clearer, we felt it was important to create a response fund that could meet the unique, local needs of the Elgin community.
The fund was created from a meeting of foundation leaders who have been invested in Elgin. These foundations - in partnership with the City of Elgin - explored how to make a collective philanthropic impact beyond each foundation’s individual grantmaking. ECRF was created from those discussions.
The following partners have 1 representative each on the steering committee which will represent 1 vote each: UWMC, CFFRV, GVF, KAPTAIN, SEIGLE, WISDOM, and City of Elgin.
The Community Foundation of the Fox River Valley is hosting and administering the fund at no cost. We have no foundation who could host the fund here in Elgin.
Applicants who apply for the second round will be notified of grant decisions the week of October 5.
Applications for the second round of funding are due by 5 p.m. on September 11.
Ten percent of the ECRF can be used for administrative costs.
The steering committee wanted to make sure there was some funding earmarked for the urgent financial needs of individuals and families in Elgin. We felt the best way to distribute those funds was through local non-profit organizations who have the intimate knowledge and relationships on the ground.
Grants are restricted specifically for the purpose of providing direct financial assistance to individuals and families facing urgent, financial need as a result of the covid pandemic.
No, grants will not be given directly to individuals but will instead support nonprofits in the community that can then assist individuals and families in need. Those seeking assistance who reside in Kane County are encouraged to call 2-1-1, a free community resource. City of Elgin residents are encouraged to visit the Coronavirus Mapping Resource Center to explore resources in Elgin.
Yes; however, the funds cannot be used for the same individuals. Instead, they should be used to reach new individuals and families in need.
Fundraising specifications were expanded to include childcare, transportation, and education related expenses. Also, a ten percent administrative cost was added.