This fund was created to commemorate the local chapter of the American Legion national honor society, La Societe des Quarante Hommes at Huit Chevaux.
The endowment was made possible through a generous bequest received by the organization from H. L. “Les” Lester (1922-2004).
The national society was formed in 1920 by American Legionnaires as an honor society for those veterans who demonstrated exemplary service.
All members are veterans of congressionally recognized wartime periods.
The designation “40/8” represents World War I transports of American soldiers to the battlefields in France.
Narrow boxcars (Voitures) had the capacity to transport only forty men or eight horses.
The 40/8 designation was stenciled on the boxcars and remains a symbol to this day of the extraordinary sacrifice and commitment of our servicemen.
The local society provides grants to Special Olympics Illinois. All distributions are made in the name of H. L. “Les” Lester.
Visit the fund profile to learn more or to make a contribution.