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Local Students Receive Scholarships From Community Foundation

The Community Foundation of the Fox River Valley recently awarded 242 scholarships to area students for the 2009-10 academic year.  The potential value of these scholarships over the next four years is over $828,000.

These students, who will be attending colleges and universities throughout the United States, will join 147 other students who are continuing their college education with previously awarded Community Foundation Scholarships.

The purpose of the Community Foundation Scholarship Program is to provide financial assistance to students who are academically qualified to pursue an advanced education in their chosen field of study.  Scholarships are established within the Community Foundation by individuals, businesses, non-profit organizations, civic clubs and through bequests.

Each student applying for a scholarship submitted a written application, grade transcripts, test scores and evaluations from school instructors.  Most students were interviewed personally by members of the Community Foundation Scholarship Committee.

2009-10 scholarship recipients are:

  • A+ Foundation Alumni Scholarship of West Aurora High School:  Allison Sherman (Batavia), Rafael Vizcaino (Aurora)
  • Alexander Family Scholarship:  Samantha Eichelberger (Elburn), Erin Hellwig (Big Rock), Payam Vatani (North Aurora)
  • Aurora Central Catholic High School Scholarship in Honor of Father Jerome Leake:  Brian O’Donnell (Aurora)
  • Aurora East Educational Foundation Scholarship:  Resha Thomas (Aurora)
  • Aurora Firefighters Scholarship in Memory of Tony Schoen:  Kyle Kadlec (Aurora)
  • Aurora Junior Womans Club Scholarship:  Marco Diaz (Aurora)
  • Aurora Junior Womans Club Scholarship in Honor of Katy Fox:  Daniel Conlin (Aurora)
  • Aurora Neighbors Uniting Scholarship:  Jean Marie Dy (Aurora)
  • Aurora Township Youth Foundation Scholarship:  Emily Dunbar (Aurora)
  • George & Marilyn Ball Scholarship:  Lauren Michels (Aurora)
  • Dr. William H. Blackburn Memorial Scholarship:  Krista Childress (Aurora)
  • Peg Bond Scholarship:  Benjamin Isacksen (Batavia)
  • John A. Brennecke Scholarship:  Frances Samolowicz (St. Charles), Bridget Sterling (Aurora)
  • Alicemae Brown Memorial Scholarship in Memory of Natalie Ann Brown:  Andrew Borneman (Yorkville)
  • Lorraine B. Bryant Memorial Scholarship:  David Mainzinger (Batavia)
  • Todd C. Bryant Memorial Scholarship:  Taylor Scott (Aurora)
  • Careers In Transition, Inc. Scholarship:  Lysdivine Kwigina (Aurora)
  • Charles & Josiedell Carnes Scholarship:  Alexander Alvendia (Oswego), Michael Daly (Millington)
  • Howard E. Charles, Jr. Scholarship:  Heather August (St. Charles), Matthew Bauer (St. Charles), Karl Becker (St. Charles), Nora Becker (St. Charles), Elizabeth Billquist (St. Charles), Leah Bressler (St. Charles), Lillian Cabel (St. Charles), Dominic Catalano (St. Charles), Elizabeth Chadwick (St. Charles), Tyler Chamberlain (St. Charles), Alison Conn (St. Charles), Tyler Dettro (St. Charles), Bethany Figura (St. Charles), Jessica Folk (St. Charles), Kyleigh Gould (St. Charles), Teresa Hargrave (St. Charles), Kaylee Jamison (St. Charles), Stephanie Johnson (St. Charles), Kelsey Kanies (St. Charles), Sabrina Keck (St. Charles), Sarah Korth (Elburn), Rachel Kruzan (St. Charles), Lindsey Kutcher (South Elgin), Kimberly Lenkeit (St. Charles), Amanda Liss (St. Charles), Brittney Lutsch (South Elgin), Nicole McSweeney (St. Charles), Catherine Nosal (St. Charles), Tricia Oakes (Elburn), Parth Patel (St. Charles), Jaime Pfeiffer (St. Charles), Christine Roggemann (St. Charles), Derek Sanders (St. Charles), Joseph Scheets (St. Charles), Kathryn Schmit (St. Charles), Sara Shankman (St. Charles), Madeline Shurtleff (Elburn), Katherine Staniek (South Elgin), Lisa Tiltges (St. Charles), Kelsey True (St. Charles), Samantha Urhausen (Geneva), Todd VanKerkhoff (St. Charles), Katelyn Warner (South Elgin), Allison Weir (South Elgin), Abigail Winter (St. Charles), Robyn Wright (Elburn), Emily Zepeda (St. Charles)
  • Community Foundation Scholarship:  Zachary Babbe (Sugar Grove), Lauren Beer (Yorkville), Tara Chmielewski (Aurora), Tyler Geldernick (Aurora), Michael Gonzalez (Aurora), Mary Kuhn (St. Charles), Daniela Martinez (Aurora), Shannon McDowell (Aurora), Alyssa Shaff (Oswego)
  • Community Foundation Alumni Scholarship:  Elizabeth Gerhard (Aurora)
  • The Conservation Foundation Environmental Scholarship:  Morgan Wiechmann (Sleepy Hollow)
  • Arthur D. & Mary Ann Court Scholarship:  Alejandra Jaso (Aurora)
  • CWS Scholarship:  Michele Bauer (North Aurora), Kimberley Boyd (North Aurora)
  • Roy E. Davis Scholarship:  Yakenlin Becerra (Aurora)
  • Walter E. Deuchler Scholarship:  Marisela Soto (Aurora), Anna Wetherholt (Aurora)
  • Daniel C. Deufel Vocational Scholarship:  Cindy Navarro (Oswego)
  • Maude A. Dewey & Vivian Dewey Watson Memorial Scholarship:  Abby McCartney (Newark)
  • Dickes Family Scholarship:  Thomas Delves (St. Charles)
  • Norman E. Dietz Memorial Scholarship:  Jacquelin Jenkins (Batavia)
  • Dugan Family Scholarship:  Andrew Barbel (Aurora)
  • Dunham Scholarship:  Estefania Barrera (Aurora), Thandeka Dumas (Aurora), Kristina Falk (Aurora), Nikki Falk (Aurora), Michael Gladis (Batavia), Maritza Gomez (Aurora), Kristen Hartman (Aurora), Daniel Jimenez (Aurora), Yesenia Magana (Aurora), Marco Martinez (Aurora), Emilio Ortiz (Aurora), Jasmine Partida (Aurora), Lisa Ann Partipilo (North Aurora), Esmeralda Rosales (Aurora), Lisette Soto (Aurora), Sonya Steder (Aurora), George Sterling (Aurora), Velin Tchalakov (Aurora), Samantha Tyner (North Aurora), Janely Villa (Aurora), Mykle Warren (Aurora)
  • Eagle Scout Scholarship:  Brian Zerfas (North Aurora)
  • Howard & Sherry Eagle Scholarship:  Ethan Amoni (Aurora)
  • Barbara K. Engelbracht Scholarship:  Laura Johnson (Millbrook)
  • Erlenborn Family Scholarship:  Laura Thompson (Batavia)
  • August W. Fischer, Jr. Scholarship:  David Aquino (Aurora)
  • Louis R. Forte Music Scholarship:  Bennett Konstans (North Aurora)
  • Fox Industrial Park Scholarship:  Samantha Koch (Yorkville)
  • Garfield Farm Museum Historic Administration Scholarship:  Gabriella Mercado (North Aurora)
  • Colonel Sidney Ginsberg Scholarship:  Nhi Ngo (Aurora), Janesa Roman (Aurora)
  • Melvin & Irene Goldman Scholarship:  Gilberto Chaidez Jr. (Aurora)
  • Margot & Bruce Goldsmith Scholarship:  Ashley Hubbard (Aurora)
  • Erin K. Harrison Memorial Scholarship:  Asenath Matteson (Aurora)
  • William M. Healy Memorial Scholarship:  Heather Pozzi (North Aurora)
  • Arthur & Daphne Heinz Memorial Scholarship:  Anthony Gaudio (Sugar Grove)
  • Loraine Heriaud Memorial Scholarship:  Jordan Stefanski (Aurora)
  • Mr. & Mrs. William P. Hilgen Scholarship:  Elizabeth Runge (Big Rock)
  • Dr. J. William & Arline Hoban Family Scholarship:  Genevieve Nyren (Aurora)
  • Erwin & Ella Hoffman Scholarship:  Tyrrell Jeffries (Aurora), Alexandra Meyer (North Aurora), Damir Ramic (Aurora), Emily Timmons (North Aurora)
  • John L. & Alice M. Holden Education Scholarship:  Eduardo-Antonio Navarro (Aurora)
  • W. Charlie Hooper & Shirley Linder Hooper Scholarship:  Ashley Blackwell (Plano)
  • Mary Virginia Hughes Scholarship:  Daniel Doeing (Newark)
  • Eleanor C. Hungar Scholarship:  Brian Furman (St. Charles), Kirsten Niederwimmer (Yorkville)
  • Italian-American Mutual Aid Society of Aurora, Illinois Scholarship:  Brittany Pozzi (North Aurora)
  • Lee W. & Rosemary A. Jordan Scholarship:  Lindsay Miller (Batavia)
  • Stanley F. Karnoscak Memorial Scholarship:  Kristen Magerkurth (Montgomery)
  • Kiwanis Club of Aurora, Illinois William J. Downs Scholarship:  Nicolas Pool (Oswego)
  • Kiwanis Club of Aurora, Illinois Dr. Harry Y. Greeley Medical/Healthcare Scholarship:  Koko Lawson (North Aurora)
  • Konrad Family Scholarship in Memory of Arthur W. Konrad:  Seth Larson (Aurora)
  • Phyllis Kramer Scholarship:  Teal Cyko (Aurora)
  • J. Paul & Wanda H. Kuhn Scholarship:  Justine Meyers (South Elgin)
  • Louise G. & Margaret E. Lane Scholarship:  Nathan Hill (Plano), Carolina Soria (Aurora), Joshua Zinzer (Aurora)
  • John & Joan Matthews Memorial Scholarship:  Kelli Smith (North Aurora)
  • Danny McCue Memorial/Aurora Firefighters Scholarship:  Thomas Barkei (Aurora), Margaret Becker (Aurora), Daniel Botkin (Aurora), Mallorie Greiner (North Aurora), Mariah Rettenmeier (Aurora), Megan Silagyi (Bristol), Ashley Wenzel (Aurora)
  • Helen Schlicht McGeachy & Arthur C. Schlicht Scholarship:  Andrea Bermes (Aurora)
  • Michael David McGrath Scholarship:  Kyle Freeman (Aurora)
  • Armando Mendez Memorial Scholarship:  Adrian Mendez (Sandwich)
  • Fred & Barb Miller Scholarship:  Kelli Knott (Geneva)
  • G. William & Freda S. Moore Kiwanis Scholarship:  Justine Mueller (North Aurora)
  • Donald E. & Annabelle Keefe Nelson Scholarship:  David Rocha (Aurora)
  • Marjory J. Nelson Memorial Scholarship:  Buu Huynh (North Aurora)
  • Frank & Marian Newell Scholarship:  Jordan Heiss (North Aurora)
  • Nicor Gas Scholarship:  Julia Hancock (Morris), Bryson Hughes (Batavia), Thomas Kates (Herscher), Megan Keller (Oswego), Kaleb Kirkpatrick (Normal), Christopher Loftus (Aurora), Cameron McIntosh (Shorewood), Laura Petrauskas (Naperville), Amanda Starkey (Bloomington), Matthew Tupy (Downers Grove)
  • Irene & Marie Oberweis Nursing Scholarship:  Courtney Kearbey (Oswego)
  • Olsson Roofing Company, Inc. Scholarship:  Kelly Falls (Geneva), William Ponstein (Oswego)
  • Neal & Margery Ray Ormond Memorial Scholarship:  Karina Diaz (Aurora)
  • Walter M. Pennington London Poe Scholarship:  Kathleen Hutches (North Aurora)
  • David B. Perry Scholarship:  Kathryn Bergman (Sugar Grove), Christopher Ott (Sugar Grove)
  • George B. & Virginia M. Peters Memorial Scholarship:  Ramica Ford (Aurora)
  • Marvin F. & Geraldine E. Pilmer Scholarship:  Humza Shamsuddin (Yorkville)
  • Christine A. Ponquinette Memorial/INC Board Minority Student Scholarship:  Emily Wilkie (Aurora)
  • Hanah Rae Scholarship:  Alison Monkemeyer (Millbrook)
  • Lydia B. Raymond Scholarship:  Jessica Navarro (Aurora)
  • Moshe Jamil Rogers Memorial Scholarship:  Gabrielle Galloway (Aurora)
  • Richard H. Rokop, Sr. Memorial Scholarship:  Amanda Ruddy (Aurora)
  • Daniel W. Schindlbeck Memorial Scholarship:  David Luna (Aurora)
  • Robert G. Schweitzer Scholarship:  Erin duVair (Geneva), Sarah Girls (Montgomery), Christopher Groleau (Aurora), Matthew Kramer (Sugar Grove), Amy Staie (Yorkville)
  • Mildred E. Shambo Scholarship:  Lauren Thurmond (Geneva)
  • Simons-Minkler Scholarship:  Joshua Crackel (North Aurora), Taylor Galmarini (Yorkville), Allan Gonzalez (Aurora), Yaasmeen-Siddeqia Ibrahim (Aurora), Luz Orozco (Aurora), Rajul Patel (Yorkville), Megghun Redmon (Yorkville), Scott Zinzer (Aurora)
  • Thomas P. Sperry Memorial Scholarship:  Jessica Patterson (Aurora)
  • Walter A. Sperry Scholarship:  Mayra Galarza (Aurora)
  • Harriet C. Stephens Scholarship:  Mark Torres (North Aurora)
  • Margaret Mercer Stewart Scholarship:  Sara May (Geneva), Cindy Valerio (Aurora)
  • Drs. Sara & Daniel Susmano Scholarship:  Alejandro Morales (Aurora)
  • Thorium Action Group/Kerr-McGee Chemical Corporation Scholarship:  Gregory Berg (Winfield), Ryan Crawford (Winfield), Kristen Kotche (West Chicago), Coralyn Kutzner (Winfield), Paige Lawless (West Chicago), Brian Mateas (Winfield), Steven Romanelli (Winfield), Christine Rovtar (West Chicago), Priya Shah (West Chicago), Ileana Tapanes (Winfield)
  • Louis Vago Scholarship:  Catherine Pauls (Sugar Grove)
  • Dustin Villarreal Family Memorial Scholarship:  Philip Birschbach (Geneva), Tad Hemming II (Geneva), Taylor Hines (Geneva), Cory Hofstetter (Geneva)
  • Robert H. & Shirley N. Waldo Scholarship:  Catherine Shilka Millican (Batavia)
  • Ellen L. & Robert L. Weber Scholarship:  Kelsey Borchelt (Oswego)
  • West Aurora High School Class of 1950 Scholarship:  Josh Michael Belarmino (North Aurora)
  • Jane Elizabeth Whitson Memorial Scholarship:  Brittany Ziemer (Aurora)
  • Willett & Peffers Families Scholarship:  Morgan Murphy (Aurora)
  • J. Robert & Marion E. Winn Scholarship:  Nicolle Hamm (Yorkville)
  • Winteringham Family Scholarship:  Michael Livorsi (Montgomery)
  • Jack Desha Witt Education Scholarship:  Cassandra Baez (Aurora), Gillian King (Aurora), Jennifer Stutz (Aurora), Noemi Vargas (Aurora), Alisha Vimawala (Aurora)
  • Myron L. & Frances B. Wormley Scholarship:  Kayla Bissonette (Yorkville)
  • Zonta Club of the Aurora Area Scholarship:  Thalia Abrica (Aurora), Adrienne Salazar (Aurora)

Citizens interested in creating scholarship funds to support area students are invited to contact the Community Foundation of the Fox River Valley by calling (630) 896-7800 or visiting our web site  The Community Foundation office is located at 111 West Downer Place, Suite 312, Aurora, Illinois, 60506.

Being a part of the Community Foundation scholarship committee is the highlight of my year. For many, a scholarship from the CFFRV is the reason they are able to continue reaching for their dreams and changing the future of our world. I hope each recipients knows just how inspirational they are to those of us who are lucky enough to read their stories.

Jessica Breugelmans

Scholarship Committee Member and Board Member

Grant funds from the Community Foundation helped provide updated technology. These upgrades were transformative. By creating new time saving processes, it turned us into a more efficient organization.

Marie Wilkinson Food Pantry


YEP has made me realize the importance of being involved in my community, and how to make a difference. There are a lot of problems in the world but if we can do everything that we can to help the world will become a better place. YEP has helped me realize this and encouraged me to help more people in the future.

Madi Porter

YEP Member

Give your gift of time and see what it means to the people you impact. Helping others is what life is all about.

Neal Ormond

Donor & Fund Advisor

Education is important to us. We support causes that touch our lives and align with our values. We believe in paying it forward. We are here for a short time,, and it is the next generation that will take on what we leave behind.

Michelle Emanuel

Donor and Past Scholarship Recipient

YEP was a great experience to have in high school. I became a more confident person, someone with a lot more perspective. Coming from a small school, YEP allowed me to branch out into my community, meet students from other schools, and learn about their backgrounds. I made some great friends and still keep in touch with them today.

Abby Vagnoni

YEP Alumni

I am incredibly grateful for the generosity of the Zari Foundation Scholarship and the Community Foundation in supporting my education. I am majoring in mechanical engineering with a concentration in aerospace engineering at the Rose-Hulman Institue of Technology. In my spare time, I volunteer on campus, in the community and I’m also the principal violist in the symphony orchestra. I hope to make an impact on the next chapter of space exploration by eventually working at a groundbreaking aerospace company such as SpaceX or NASA.

Taytum Newell

Albert M. Zari Scholarship Recipient

Community Foundation of the Fox River Valley

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