The dazzling mural entitled “The History of Writing and the Alphabet” is a significant American art work given as the class gift by the West Aurora High School Class of 1933. Created by muralist Paul Stoddard through the Depression-era Works Progress Administration program, it records the greatest intellectual achievement of humankind – written language.
Before the 1905 high school building was demolished in 2015, the mural was saved and is now the only significant artifact remaining from its 110 year history.
With the support of School District 129, a citizens committee led by Mary Clark Ormond and arts leaders Wendell Minor and Nancy Hopp has created a charitable fund to help defray the expense of restoring the mural so it can inspire and instruct new generations of Aurorans.
Donors may choose from a variety of support levels:
Stylus Society
- $50 – Bi-monthly newsletter
Scribe Society
- $100 – Listing on mural plaque plus commemorative postcard
Printer Society
- $250 – Invitation to dedications of mural and future projects
Linotype Society
- $500 – Holiday Ornament
Beaconlight Society
- $1,000 – Private meet-and-greets with art conservator Scott Sherwood