This unrestricted fund was created to honor Marie Wilkinson.
Marie Wilkinson (1909-2010) devoted her life to causes that advance the dignity of all people in the City of Aurora.
She established the Marie Wilkinson Food Pantry and later the Marie Wilkinson Child Care Center.
She was responsible for the formation of the Aurora Human Relations Commission in 1964, an organization she chaired for over thirty years. Her influence was so far-reaching that a park was named in her honor.
Mrs. Wilkinson was born in the French Quarter of New Orleans and educated at Straight University (now Dillard University). She moved to Aurora in her early 20s.
Her husband Charles Wilkinson was a successful businessman who provided unfailing support to his wife.
He died in 1995. The couple had two children.
The legacy of Mrs. Wilkinson is profound in its simplicity. She shared everything she had with others, expecting nothing in return. Marie Wilkinson lived the Golden Rule.
To learn more about her extraordinary life, please see the following articles.
The Beacon-News, August 14, 2010
The Beacon-News, August 15, 2010