Here is what students are saying about the Community Foundation Scholarship Program!
“I was extremely glad to hear I received a scholarship from the Community Foundation because I have loved growing up in a community full of so many wonderful people and organizations.”
“I am forever grateful for the aid I have been given over the past three years from Community Foundations to pursue my dream to help others.”
“The Howard E. Charles, Jr. Scholarship and the Community Foundation hold a special place in my heart. I am extremely thankful for this scholarship… and all that it has done for me.”
“I couldn’t be more grateful, and I couldn’t be more excited to see how this scholarship helps me achieve my dreams.”
“This scholarship will help me achieve my dream of becoming a doctor and I am forever thankful for your support.”
“Thank you for sponsoring students like me. Your generosity is overwhelming and you do a great service to all recipients.”
“I am honored and forever grateful to be joining the many students who have been able to receive an education because of the generosity of Mrs. Hurd and other donors who share her dream. Thank you so much for giving the gift of affordable education, both to me and to countless other students!”
“I can’t express in enough words what this scholarship means to me… having the opportunity to help people is what I have always wanted to do and with the help of this scholarship, I can have the opportunity to reach my goal and have my dream.”
“I really admire and strive to mirror how the Winns were involved in serving their community.”
“I am so thankful to [Mr. Ehrhart] and to the Community Foundation of the Fox River Valley for your united efforts in awarding me this scholarship.”
“I owe a huge thank you to the Community Foundation Board Members and Louis Vago for giving me such a generous scholarship to help me continue my education.”
“This is such an honor to be given the chance to receive such an amazing scholarship to be used for my education towards becoming a nurse.”
“Thank you so much for this amazing opportunity. This scholarship is an amazing blessing for my family and me.”
“I’m very thankful for this foundation, and I think it’s absolutely wonderful how many scholarships they’re able to give out.”
“Getting this scholarship means the absolute world to me.”
“This award has encouraged me to keep striving for excellence in my studies. Thank you so much for taking an interest in the nurses of the next generation.”