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2021 Scholarship Program Recipients


The Community Foundation of the Fox River Valley is proud to announce that $1.4 million in scholarships have been awarded to area students through our 2021 Scholarship Program.

Thank you to the many generous individuals, businesses, and organizations who have made these awards possible by creating funds within the Community Foundation to provide scholarships to students continuing their education.

Due to their generosity, more than $20 million have been awarded in scholarships since 1948!

Congratulations to the following 2021 recipients!


100 Men Fox Valley Scholarship

Shanahan, Daniel

Nicholas R. Albers Memorial Scholarship

Fredericksen, Mary

Strohl, Tyler

Alexander Family Scholarship

Cuevas, Julieth

Dzielawa, Hannah

Fountain, Christopher

Claude L. & Alice E. Allen Memorial Scholarship

Jimenez, Moises

Edward & Gladys (Stoddard) Arenkill Nursing & Medical Education Scholarship

Duarte, Samantha

Armbruster-Dieterich-Wagner Family Scholarship

Alcala, Jasmine

Aurora Area Retired Teachers’ Association Scholarship

Schultz, Katelyn

Aurora Central Catholic High School Scholarship in Honor of Father Jerome Leake

Cwinski, Madelyn

Aurora East Educational Foundation Scholarship

Mendoza, Lesly

Perez, Arlet

Aurora East Educational Foundation Education Scholarship

Nicolalde, Tony

Aurora East Educational Foundation Excellence Scholarship

Callinan, Abigail

Aurora Firefighters Scholarship in Memory of Tony Schoen

Lowery, Cheyanne

Williams, Percy

Aurora Hispanic Heritage Advisory Board Scholarship

Camarena, Andrea

Ceja, Martin

Celaya, Lizbeth

Franco, Gerardo

Gabriel, Ashley

Gallegos, Brenda

Holguin, Alyssa

Huante, Anthony

Juarez, Alexis

Lopez, Katherine

Meza, Jocelyn

Monrroy, Lizbeth

Nicacio, Ramon

Noon, Adam

Novoa, Mariana

Rios Gutierrez, Alejandra

Rivera, Ariana

Rodriguez Oseguera, Dora

Saenz, Kassandra

Sida, Brian

Tellez, Karla

Aurora Junior Womans Club Scholarship in Honor of Katy Fox

Sullivan, Elizabeth

Aurora Kiwanis Club/William J. Downs Scholarship

Lesley, Grant

Aurora Kiwanis Club/Dr. Harry Y. Greeley Medical/Healthcare Scholarship

Baldwin, Kailee

Aurora Kiwanis Club/G. William ‘Bill’ Moore Scholarship

Reyes Vera, Ana

Aurora Rotary John M. Lies Service Above Self Scholarship

Senthil, Nivedha

Aurora Township Youth Foundation Scholarship

Aguirre, Andrea

Dominguez, Karime

George & Marilyn Ball Scholarship

Ramirez, Alexis

John W. Bauer Memorial Athletic Scholarship

Wyeth, Taylor

Mary Hogan Bencini Memorial Scholarship

McEvoy, Sarah

Genevieve & Dale T. Berg Scholarship

Jimenez, Juanita

Dr. William H. Blackburn Memorial Scholarship

Artman, Shelby

Peg Bond Scholarship

Schmitz, Evelyn

Dorothy Mae Bonner Memorial Scholarship

Loving, Elizabeth

John A. Brennecke Scholarship

Gross, Kayla

Isaacson, Emily

Lopez-Hinojosa, Itzel

Alicemae Brown Memorial Scholarship in Memory of Natalie Ann Brown

Malone, DejaRae

Lorraine B. Bryant Memorial Scholarship

Kowalski, Kaylee

Todd C. Bryant Memorial Scholarship

Hirth, Ansley

Barbara Burgin & Edwin & Carol Ehrhart Scholarship

Bennett, Ryan

Jeff & Jamie Cali Scholarship

Noel, Andreas

Kyle D. Campbell Memorial Scholarship

Clayman, Clifford

Charles & Josiedell Carnes Scholarship

Mostacci, Michael

Charles & Josiedell Carnes Scholarship

Schiltz, Ryan

Mary R. Chapman Scholarship

Salgado, Cinthia

Howard E. Charles, Jr. Scholarship

Arrambide, Kaitlyn

Bains, Rajin

Balster, Andrew

Bayless, Brooke

Blankenship, Emma

Cantrell, Katherine

DeVries, Anna

DiIorio, Dillon

DiIorio, Graziella

DiIorio, Shannon

Eng, Eliana

Eng, Noah

Fischer, Payton

Funke, Makaela

Galle, Andrew

Graham, Abigail

Guyett, Audrey

Handler, Mara

Hardy, Jacqueline

Hayes, Andrea

Kinnison, Emma

Kmiecik, Brian

Krawczykowski, Kyle

Le, Kathy

Leidig, William

Lewis, Kayleigh

Livermore, Hanne

Mastrangeli, Kayla

Maxwell, Sydney

Melton, Sonia

Miller, Abigail

Miller, Anna

Miller, Madeline

Nickel, Jennifer

Patel, Deesha

Patel, Ishani

Petrucci, Adriana

Raine, Emily

Saunders, Reginald

Schuler, Hannah

Seraphin, Daniel

Sitta, Jenna

Stitz, Sydney

Turjanski, Evie

Villanueva, Danielle

Willard, Meagan

Yetter, Sean

Dr. Bernard J. Cigrand Memorial Scholarship

Hoschouer, Carlee

Coffman Diesel/Automotive Scholarship

Lopez, Cristian

Coronado Dental Scholarship

Rios-Madrigal, Emily

Arthur D. & Mary Ann Court Memorial Scholarship

Hernandez, Melissa

CWS Scholarship

Barajas, Abigail

Bizon, John

Roy E. Davis Scholarship

Carrillo Munoz, Jazmin

Austin & Melissa Dempsey Family Scholarship

 Ellward, Matthew

Siener, Briann

Skupa, Alexander

Wilson, Nicholas

Walter E. Deuchler Scholarship

Terrazas, Alan

Viejon, Isabella

Daniel C. Deufel Vocational Scholarship

Lemezis, Megan

Norman E. Dietz Memorial Scholarship

Thayer, Elizabeth

Doebert Family Scholarship in Memory of Edward E. Doebert

Nino, Sandy

Dugan Family Scholarship 

Vest, Carson

Steven John Duranceau Memorial Scholarship 

Luecke, Bradley

Howard & Sherry Eagle Scholarship 

Swann, Aaron

Eagle Scout Scholarship 

Dufresne, Jonathan

Warren J. & Shirley J. Eggers Scholarship 

Lee, Vivian

Philip B. Elfstrom Scholarship 

Sellenberg, Annabelle

Barbara K. Engelbracht Scholarship 

Jochum, Sarah

Erlenborn Family Scholarship 

Carlile, Jemima

Sandy Erxleben Memorial Scholarship 

Perez, Katharine

Brian Farnham Memorial Scholarship 

Gabriel, Sttefy

Wesley F. Fisher Memorial Scholarship 

Hawley, Thomas

James H. & Ione P. Fitzgerald Scholarship 

Springer, Emily

Fox Industrial Park Scholarship 

Kachlic, Colin

Fox Valley Earth Day Scholarship 

Rosales, Ian

Emily R. Frantz Scholarship for Public School Teaching

Brewer, Jennifer

Francis A. Geib Memorial Scholarship

Lagvankar, Sara

Howard E. Gillette Scholarship

DeChaud, Sophia

Whitlock, Molly

Colonel Sidney Ginsberg Scholarship

Hernandez-Villa, Amada

House, Jessica

Marshall Glenn Scholarship

Analitis, Alexis

Elkins, Jillian

Guerrero, Yair

Jochum, Julia

Goldsmith Family Scholarship

Scott, Taylor

Robert L. & Joyce A. Golz Scholarship

Espinosa, Cecilia

Hamling Family Nursing Scholarship

Charapata, Katelyn

Jill Hanses Scholarship

Gonzalez, Filiberto

John ‘Jack’ Harkness Memorial Scholarship

Wu, Raymond

Erin K. Harrison Memorial Scholarship

Fauth, Kaitlyn

Jerry Hart Memorial Scholarship

Aguirre, Jesus

Jack & Naomi Hastert Memorial Scholarship

Kasuba, Timothy

Hearts for Hanah Scholarship

Johnson, Jenna

Arthur & Daphne Heinz Memorial Scholarship

Aquino, Faith

Loraine Heriaud Memorial Scholarship

Fronk, Gabrielle

George & Elaine Hettrich Scholarship for Academic Excellence

McCumber, Katelyn

George & Elaine Hettrich Scholarship for Nursing

Knoblock, Hannah

Mr. & Mrs. William P. Hilgen Scholarship

Coffman, Nicholas

Urban & Margaret Hipp Family Scholarship

Rodriguez, Jacqueline

Dr. J. William & Arline Hoban Family Scholarship

Vanik, Marissa

Erwin & Ella Hoffman Scholarship

Gutierrez, Diego

Martinez, Ramiro

Reedy, Emily

John L. & Alice M. Holden Education Scholarship

Cancio, Lauren

Hollis Family Scholarship

Germano, Jenna

Ben Horonzy Memorial Scholarship

Peik, Genevieve

Mary Virginia Hughes Scholarship

Mieloszyk, Ava

Eleanor C. Hungar Scholarship

Blasi, Sara

Klemm, Sara

Spain, Madeline

Shirley M. Hurd Education Scholarship

Duarte, Isabella

Fang, Emma

Ferris, Zachary

Leibfritz, Jessica

Reattoir, Ethan

Torres, Andrew

Italian-American Mutual Aid Society of Aurora, Illinois Scholarship

Sansone, Aria

Lee W. & Rosemary A. Jordan Scholarship

Saria, Joshua

Edward & Genevieve Jungels Scholarship

Garcia, Yasmine

Kayla’s Hope Foundation Scholarship

 DeMeyer, Megan

Gorka, Ronald

Neville, Lillian

Quid, Emily

Konrad Family Scholarship in Memory of Arthur W. Konrad

Iranloye, Grace

Ralph & Alice Kramp Scholarship in Memory of Randy Kramp

Simon, Morgan

Paul & Wanda H. Kuhn Scholarship

Fulkerson, Kara

Jenkin, Madeline

Louise G. & Margaret E. Lane Scholarship

Corrales Rodriguez, Arleth

Library Education Scholarship

Love, Sarah

John & Joan Matthews Memorial Scholarship

Lerma, Mireya

Danny McCue Memorial/Aurora Firefighters Scholarship

Chivari, Meri

Gilmore, Madeline

Maleski, Sara

McDougal Athletic Character Award

Vallejo, Andres

Helen Schlicht McGeachy & Arthur C. Schlicht Scholarship

Huggins, Nathan

Michael David McGrath Scholarship

Duffy, Dylan

Albert W. Medernach Scholarship

Long, Morgan

Armando Mendez Memorial Scholarship

Obrien, Brendan

Mendoza Foundation Scholarship

Wagy, Gabriella

Richard J. & Marilyn J. Michelini Scholarship

Gallagher, Gerald

Fred & Barb Miller Scholarship

Sheetz, Camille

Senator Robert W. & Helen Drew Mitchler Scholarship

Steffen, Janelle

William & Freda S. Moore Scholarship

Cruz, Mikaela

Jerry J. Murphy MSW Scholarship

Baer, Theresa

Lopez-Linton, Erica

Donald E. & Annabelle Keefe Nelson Scholarship

Barker, Bryce

Robert L. & Marjory J. Nelson Memorial Scholarship

Hauge, Ellie

Frank & Marian Newell Scholarship

Czerak, Jeffrey

Irene & Marie Oberweis Nursing Scholarship

Arteaga, Connie

Cuevas, Miranda

Olsson Roofing Company, Inc. Scholarship

Fichtel, Kayla

Peshia, Jocelyn

John & Julia Onete Scholarship

Rodriguez, Elasia

Neal & Margery Ray Ormond Memorial Scholarship

Roberts, Zachary

Cameron Pepera Memorial Scholarship

Briar, Morgan

Fronk, Liam

Kenneth & Dorothy L. Perkins Scholarship

Duff, Maxwell

David B. Perry Scholarship

Hazen, Natalie

Scholl, Jazmyn

Orville Peterson Health Care Scholarship

Childs, Alexa

Marvin F. & Geraldine E. Pilmer Scholarship

Lopez, Leslie

Christine A. Ponquinette Memorial/INC Board Minority Student Scholarship

Sanchez, Anayeli

Lance Corporal Hector Ramos Memorial Scholarship

Ramirez, Evelyn

Lydia B. Raymond Scholarship

Shea, Ryan

William & Mary D. Richards Scholarship

Williams, Landon

Gary A. & Mary Ruth Roberts Scholarship

Hill, Andrew

Moshe Jamil Rogers Memorial Scholarship

Olesen, Claire

Richard H. Rokop, Sr. Memorial Scholarship

Mejia, Alyssa

Roosevelt-Aurora American Legion Post 84 Scholarship

Lilek, Jason

Roots/Pauly Memorial Scholarship

Ramirez, Brittany

Rotary Club of Aurora Scholarship

Gravley, Mercedes

Kim Schaubel-Groom Scholarship

Cornea-Jones, Alexia

Robert ‘Bob’ Schick Memorial Scholarship Fund

Gaerlan, Anaston

Silverman, Tyler

Daniel W. Schindlbeck Memorial Scholarship

Aponte, Jaileen

Robert G. Schweitzer Scholarship

Darlinger, Rachel

Garrison, Anna

Shelley Scott Scholarship

Signor, Kate

Tietz, Courtney

Mildred E. Shambo Scholarship

Vitkus, Emily

Sam Shelton Award

Bronec, Molly

Hunter William Shodeen Athletic Scholarship

 Lackner, Gustave

Simons-Minkler Scholarship

 Anderson, Mia

Clayton, Ethan

Green, Molly

Rios, Celeste

Ruhs, James

Terrazas, Diego

Ruth H. & B.R. Skaggs Scholarship

Giansanti, Clark

Thomas P. Sperry Memorial Scholarship

Hoschouer, Zachary

Margaret Mercer Stewart Scholarship

Hernandez, Anabel

Kobernus, Morgan

Drs. Sara & Daniel Susmano Scholarship

Salgado, Gustavo

Swami Vivekananda Scholarship

Jambunathan, Shankar

Kadakia, Isha

Khot, Anish

Khot, Ayush

Lagvankar, Jason

Panda, Ayush

Carl E. Swanson & Clara M. Swanson & Family Scholarship

Hardersen, Anna

Kallas, John

Smith, Lilly

Daryl Thompson Memorial Scholarship

Fetro, Seth

Tiffany, Charlotte

Thorium Action Group/Kerr-McGee Chemical Corporation Scholarship

Ayala, Emily

Bramos, Emily

Garling, Coen

Gramit, Sarah

Lebo, Ruby

Reyes, Dulce

Ullman, Brock

James & Clarice Toynton Scholarship

Quiroz, Hilene

Louis Vago Scholarship

Barraza, Eduardo

Barrera, LiLimelda

DeLeon, Reymundo

Ruiz, Nicolas

Robert H. & Shirley N. Waldo Scholarship

Harshbarger, Emily

Martin, Margaret

Wirball, Andrew

George & Cora Webster Scholarship

Mann, Ayanna

West Aurora High School Alumni Scholarship

Spagnola, Victoria

West Aurora High School Class of 1950 Scholarship

Garcia, Ethan

Judy Whinfrey Memorial Nursing Scholarship

Mu, Lay

Eric P. Whitaker Scholarship

Whitlock, Emma

Williams, Samantha

Willett & Peffers Families Scholarship

Urton, Danielle

John V. Winkle Foundation Scholarship

McDermott, Alexis

Winteringham Family Scholarship

Borvan, Presley

Jack Desha Witt Education Scholarship

Chavez, Yahaira

Halder, Alison

Lentz, Emily

Lentz, Molly

Lopez, Ricardo

Vosmik, Caroline

Richard James & William Alfred Wulff Scholarship

Campbell, Lauren

Albert M. Zari Scholarship

Anderson, Jillian

Ayers, Tyler

Carreno, Alaina

Carter, Sarah

Chipman, Amelia

Feltes, Emma

Fullhart, Todd

Granahan, Cole

Halick, Chloe

Hodge, Mason

Johnson, Travis

Kincaid, Emerson

Moravick, Madison

Newell, Taytum

Rhodes, Dylan

Serio, Kevin

Smith, Noah

Solis, Olivia

Steele, Abigale

Tejero, Kayla

Templin, Erin

Thomas, Caroline

Tirabasso, Steven

Wesender, Kaitlyn

White, Blake

Zonta Club of Aurora Scholarship

Friel, Hanah

Phillippe, Khya

Shoaff, Sarah

Grant funds from the Community Foundation helped provide updated technology. These upgrades were transformative. By creating new time saving processes, it turned us into a more efficient organization.

Marie Wilkinson Food Pantry


Education is important to us. We support causes that touch our lives and align with our values. We believe in paying it forward. We are here for a short time,, and it is the next generation that will take on what we leave behind.

Michelle Emanuel

Donor and Past Scholarship Recipient

YEP has made me realize the importance of being involved in my community, and how to make a difference. There are a lot of problems in the world but if we can do everything that we can to help the world will become a better place. YEP has helped me realize this and encouraged me to help more people in the future.

Madi Porter

YEP Member

Being a part of the Community Foundation scholarship committee is the highlight of my year. For many, a scholarship from the CFFRV is the reason they are able to continue reaching for their dreams and changing the future of our world. I hope each recipients knows just how inspirational they are to those of us who are lucky enough to read their stories.

Jessica Breugelmans

Scholarship Committee Member and Board Member

I am incredibly grateful for the generosity of the Zari Foundation Scholarship and the Community Foundation in supporting my education. I am majoring in mechanical engineering with a concentration in aerospace engineering at the Rose-Hulman Institue of Technology. In my spare time, I volunteer on campus, in the community and I’m also the principal violist in the symphony orchestra. I hope to make an impact on the next chapter of space exploration by eventually working at a groundbreaking aerospace company such as SpaceX or NASA.

Taytum Newell

Albert M. Zari Scholarship Recipient

YEP was a great experience to have in high school. I became a more confident person, someone with a lot more perspective. Coming from a small school, YEP allowed me to branch out into my community, meet students from other schools, and learn about their backgrounds. I made some great friends and still keep in touch with them today.

Abby Vagnoni

YEP Alumni

Give your gift of time and see what it means to the people you impact. Helping others is what life is all about.

Neal Ormond

Donor & Fund Advisor

Community Foundation of the Fox River Valley

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