The YEP Grant application is open from December 1 to February 1. Preview a PDF of the YEP Grant Application. Agencies will be notified in June. To create an account and apply for a grant, click on the button below.
YEP Grant Program Guidelines
- The YEP Program provides grants to verified nonprofit agencies in the Community Foundation’s service area. Schools, both private and public, including educational foundations, are not eligible to apply.
- Eligible activities are programs and projects that are serving and/or benefit children and youth ages 0-22. Programs and projects that are youth-driven will be prioritized.
- Due to limited funding for the grant program, applications are restricted to requests between a minimum of $500 – a maximum of $5,000.
- YEP youth will review, evaluate, and award all grants with assistance from CFFRV staff. You may be asked to participate in an interview or site visit.
- The YEP Grant program is a separate and unique program from the Discretionary Grantmaking Program, thus any organization can apply and receive funding from both programs.
- YEP Grants are to be spent within a year of receipt of the grant. A final report will be required of all grantees.
If you have additional questions, please contact Jen Borgognoni at 331-208-9422 or
Create An Account & Apply For Grants
Past YEP Grantees
The following agencies have either been awarded full or partial funding for the capital grant requests listed below their names.
To provide winter coats for children.
CASA Kane County
To provide essential items for children in foster care.
To provide essential items for new babies.
To provide supplies for children moving from the shelter.
To provide food for students while they are out of school.
To provide recreation equipment for children and teens with disabilities.
Northern Illinois Food Bank
To help support the Backpack Program, which provides nourishing weekend meals to food-insecure children in four school districts.
TriCity Family Services
To provide therapy and program supplies for youth with eating disorders.
To provide programs for refugee and immigrant children and youth.
CASA Kane County
To provide gift cards, suitcases and incidentals for children.
To provide baby items for young parents (cribs, car seats, clothes).
To provide culinary safety equipment and supplies for teen chefs who are serving those struggling with a health crisis.
To provide brass instruments for students in their class.
Fox Valley Special Recreation Foundation
To provide virtual reality equipment for therapeutic activities.
To provide supplies for the move out assistance program for children and youth.
To provide supplies and materials for students with disabilities that are learning everyday skills.
Science and Technology Interactive Center
To provide supplies for STREAM Wonder Clubs.
CASA Kane County
To provide gift cards, suitcases and incidentals for children
Equine Dreams
Circular Training Pen for therapy riding for youth
Marquee Youth Stage
Project Reach: Leadership in Arts program for youth
Hesed House
Move out assistance project for children and youth
TriCity Family Services
Eating Disorders Program for youth
Safe n Sound Aurora program for youth
Conservation Foundation
Pollinator Garden for youth programs
360 Youth Services
To help serve teens who are experiencing homelessness through the Celebrate Youth program.
DuPage Children’s Museum
To help fund the CARE Program which allows underserved children and families to come to the museum.
Fox Valley Music Consortium
To help fund musical instruments for youth in the El Sistema Program.
Gigi’s Playhouse
To help fund the Destination Discovery Program.
Marklund Children’s Home
To help fund outdoor playground enhancements.
Marie Wilkinson Food Pantry
To help fund the Food 4 Students program at east Aurora High School.
Mutual Ground Inc.
To help fund supplies for the Youth and Family Services program.
Paramount Arts Centre
To help fund The Aurora Project through the Paramount School of the Arts.
STC Learn
To help fund academic support outside to work toward education equality.
TriCity Family Services
To help fund family-based treatment for eating disorders.
African American Men of Unity
To help fund the FIRE College and Career Program for at-risk youth
DuPage Children’s Museum
To help fund an immersive Tinkering Camp experience for area children
Fox Valley Food for Health
To help provide equipment and supplies so teen chef volunteers can safely prepare meals for clients
Fox Valley Music Consortium
To help fund musical instrument repairs for students from low-income, underserved families
Little Friends, Inc.
To support the purchase of new technology that provides greater connection and learning resources for children on the autism spectrum
Northern Illinois Food Bank
To help support the BackPack Program, which provides nourishing weekend meals to food-insecure children
The Bucket of Love
To help fund S.T.E.A.M.-centered educational resources so underserved youth can build a strong academic foundation
Wayside Cross Ministries
To help fund an academic enrichment and youth leadership program that serves at-risk youth through homework help and winter and summer camps
World Relief DuPage/Aurora
To help fund age-appropriate enrichment programs for young immigrants and refugees