This fund was created by the family and friends of Robert H. Goehlen to honor his lifetime of service to the community.
Mr. Goehlen (1929-1998) administered several offices for IBM prior to his retirement and he was awarded the Chicago North 1980 Office of the Year Award.
He attended the University of Wisconsin and served in the United States Army.
Mr. Goehlen was a founding member of the Bank of Montgomery and chairman of the board for many years.
He belonged to the Aurora Bowling Association, Aurora Country Club, Aurora Elks Club, IBM’s Quarter Century Club, Review Association, Southwest Suburban Senior Golf League and the United States Trotting Association.
Jean Goehlen was born in Aurora, but grew up in the first brick house in Kane County (Sugar Grove).
She graduated from West Aurora High School (1958) and Lake Forest College (1963).
She then taught school in the primary grades for a number of years in Aurora, Ohio and Indiana. While in Indiana, she organized and directed a Meals on Wheels program.
Mrs. Goehlen has been a member of the Tuesday Garden Club of Aurora, Early American Pressed Glass Club, Child Welfare Society, the United States Trotting Association, Aurora Women’s Bowling Association, and the Harness Racing Museum and Hall of Fame.
This fund, created in 1998, was established as an endowment in 2001. It is a field-of-interest fund devoted to the needs of children.