Distributions from this Fund will be used to provide support for Illinois YMCA Youth and Government organization.
Investing in leaders, Teaching Democracy.
Illinois YMCA Youth and Government is at the forefront of inspiring young leaders, fostering critical thinking, and nurturing civic engagement. We strive to provide a unique model state government program that invests in High School Students, prioritizing five key areas throughout the program: Leadership skills, Civic Engagement, Public Speaking, Self Confidence and the Broadening of Perspectives.
Our dedicated team of volunteers and staff have worked tirelessly to create a safe and inclusive environment where more than 40,000 Illinois Students have explored the world of government, politics, and civic participation. On the eve of our 75th Anniversary, we are thrilled to launch the Illinois YMCA Youth and Government Endowment fund in order to further our goal of developing the next generation of leaders and ensuring democracy is taught.