The Yorkville Historic Preservation Society was organized in March 2018 by Lisa Wolancevich in response to the United City of Yorkville’s City Council discussion of plans to have the Old Kendall County Jail and Sheriff’s building demolished. The 125-year-old Jail, on the State of Illinois’ Register of Historic Places, was bought by the city from Kendall County in 2010 and had fallen into extensive disrepair. The Old Jail’s predicament made Wolancevich aware of the need for an organization to work to safeguard the Old Jail and other such buildings to preserve the community’s historic legacy and encourage economic well-being. She invited other like-minded individuals to join her to form the Society.
The mission of the Society is to aid in the preservation, renovation and economic promotion of historic buildings and sites in the Yorkville area, beginning with the Old Jail at 111 W. Madison St. To achieve these goals, the Society has affiliated with the Community Foundation of the Fox River Valley, a 501 (c)(3) non-profit, and is holding fundraisers, soliciting donations and applying for numerous grants to help pay for stabilization and renovation of the Old Jail. The Society also is seeking partners to help develop a plan for the building’s future use.
We welcome new members; we encourage people to join us in working to save the Old Jail and future projects. Help us celebrate the history of Yorkville!